Everybody's Gone To The Rapture
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is a beautiful, atmospheric, story-based game set in rural England, taking place right after the apocalypse. It presents a completely open world for the player to explore. There are pieces of narrative, clues and events within its environment that are triggered by the player's presence that slowly combine to paint a bigger picture of what transpired in the days leading up to where the game begins.
As TCR's resident programmer on Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, I was involved with TCR's next project, Rapture, from the early conception stages. I have helped build the alpha & pitch the project, have worked fulltime on production until the game was released. My core tasks on this project were AI, engine programming and providing supporting for the artists and the rest of the production team.

This project got me back into fulltime game programming, which was a nice break from several years of web development by day & gamedev freelancing at night. TCR was a great team to be working with, brimming with artistic talent, and the features I got to implement were really fun to develop. As a bonus it has taught me the ins & outs of CryEngine.